During our four years at college, whether we went Greek or not, we have memories that will make us smile years later when we’re stuck changing diapers and driving a mini-van. We’ll look back on those times we mooned the ESPN cameras at the last big game of the year or that random threesome over spring break we thought would never happen even in our wildest dreams. Graduation comes to soon or for some of us it’s delayed an extra 3 years, but no matter when the time does come to leave it all behind we will have these songs to help us look back on the good times. If you’ve never heard these songs go take a listen and guaranteed you’ll be calling up your buddies to reminisce with a couple beers by the bonfire.
1. I’ll Remember by Madonna
2. Forever Young by Rod Stewart
3. You Get What You Give by New Radicals
4. In My Life by The Beatles
5. Only The Good Die Young by Billy Joel
With every passing day don’t take a single one for granted or the people you got to share it with. There are too many crazy things to do and incredible things to see. We hope listening to these songs will help bring back those memories of humiliation during pledgeship, love through many relationships, and happiness among great friendships. So our challenge to you is go out into the world and do something crazy off your bucket list!